
Navigating the Symphony of Stress: A Harmonious Path to Inner Peace

Navigating the Symphony of Stress: A Harmonious Path to Inner Peace

In the fast-paced rhythm of life, it's easy to find yourself dancing to the beat of stress and anxiety. 

If your days feel like a never-ending playlist of sleepless nights, a mind on overdrive, and perhaps the occasional reach for that unhealthy snack, trust me, you're not alone.

Let's embark on a journey together, exploring three keys to unlock the door to tranquillity in the midst of life's chaos. 

Becoming The Witness

Becoming The Witness

One of the most important skills you develop through yoga and meditation practice is witnessing. By learning how to be aware in every moment, you also learn how to observe.


Most of us place judgements on everything, all the time. We judge other people. We judge our circumstances. We judge external events; and perhaps most importantly, we are constantly judging ourselves.

SWAN Meditation ~ Gaining Clarity

SWAN Meditation ~ Gaining Clarity

Do you feel a pull to deepen your understanding of yourself, and by extension, the way you interact with the world?

Perhaps you have a sense of disconnect; your internal world and your external life aren’t quite in harmony.

If so, SWAN meditation is a wonderful practice to work with.

If you came along to my New Year’s Yoga and Meditation Immersion at South Narrabeen Surf Club, you’ll already have a solid grounding in the SWAN technique, and I hope you’re starting to feel the benefits.

For those of you who weren’t there, I wanted to offer a brief introduction so that you might be inspired to try it, too.

SWAN is an acronym for Strengths; Weaknesses; Ambitions; and Needs.

SWAN meditation concentrates on these elements of the self, providing an opportunity to take a close look at what’s