When I first stood on that sticky blue mat in 1997 little did I know how life-changing it would be! My first experiences with yoga was all about technique, blocks and bolsters. This gave me the physical challenge I thrived on.

When the body said “enough is enough”, and finding myself suffering from injuries and illness, I discovered a more gentle practice was better suited and fulfilling at this time. This is when I embraced Satyananda Yoga and for the first time I truly experienced a deep sense of inner peace.

I have used Yoga to aid in my own recovery from injuries and illnesses and continue to do so in maintaining good health on all levels – physical, mental emotional and spiritual

Satyananda Yoga’s holistic and integral system – postures, breathing, deep relaxation, meditation and mantra, resonated deep within, leaving me fulfilled and relaxed.

I decided to immerse myself completely in Yogic Philosophy and Lifestyle, living within an Ashram environment in both India and Australia (2007 – 2013). I lived as a residential teacher in a Buddhist Meditation Centre in Nepal (2014). And over the years (2009 to 2016) I have taught within the Ashram environment on retreats and the Yoga Teachers Training Diploma, along with running Community Classes and Retreats in Australia, Nepal, Bali and India. Oh, did I mention leading Yoga Treks in Nepal as well.

I have used Yoga to aid in my own recovery from injuries and illnesses and continue to do so in maintaining good health on all levels – physical, mental emotional and spiritual.

My Yoga teachings draw on all of my life and yoga experiences to date. I incorporate the strength and alignment obtained from those earlier years, weave in the subtleties that Satyananda Yoga has opened up to me, and draw on the experience I have gained through my Ashram living, healing and daily practice.

I hope I will have the opportunity to share with you the riches Yoga can bring into your life, whether that be here in Australia in a weekly class or on a Yoga Retreat in Bali or Nepal.

Om Shanti
