Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara — the crown chakra. It’s known as the seventh chakra, but it’s not really a chakra at all. It is the culmination of the six chakras together:


• Mooladhara

• Swadhisthana

• Manipura

• Anahata

• Vishuddhi

• Ajna

Sahasrara connects us with divine, infinite intelligence.


Before we get into it — do you know what the chakras are? And have you read about the other six chakras? If not, head over to An Introduction to the Chakras  to get your head round the basics before you dive into Sahasrara.


Sahasrara Chakra and the Body


Sahasrara is located above the crown of the head — but it’s in the subtle body rather than in the physical body. It is beyond the body and beyond the self.


It has no specific form. Instead, it’s a source of energy that exists in the Universe. It is in us as well as beyond us because we are a part of the whole, just as every other being is part of the whole.


Its main colour is white, with the colours of all the other chakras woven throughout.


Sahasrara Chakra and the Mind


This chakra is pure. When it is active, and when we work to connect with Sahasrara, it gives us an immense sense of freedom and joy.


When this chakra is blocked you may feel limited and disconnected. You could feel lonely and lack direction in your life, or have a profound sense of spiritual disconnection that you struggle to explain in words.


But when it is active and flowing, Sahasrara allows for ultimate connectedness.


Have you ever felt that you know there is a deeper meaning to this life? Something greater than you out there in the Universe, connecting us all together?


That feeling comes from Sahasrara.


This chakra receives and gives energy at the same time. It transcends thought and emotion and just is.


How Does Sahasrara Chakra Influence Your Spiritual Journey?


In ideal balance, Sahasrara liberates your spirit and opens you up to pure connection.


At the same time is keeps you grounded on the earth; you feel the power of everything around you but you are steady and at home within your body. Within your expression of self.



Bija Mantra


As you’ll know if you’ve read about the other six chakras, each one of them has an associated bija mantra, or seed mantra.


A one-syllable sound that can be chanted to focus your awareness. It’s a wonderful, simple way of working directly with the chakras.


The bija mantra for Sahasrara is: AUM.


Ultimate Freedom and Joy


Working deeply with this transcendent chakra will open up an experience of true freedom and happiness.


Your chakra studies are just beginning!


Don’t forget to bookmark An Introduction to the Chakras so that you can check back and refresh your knowledge at any time.


If you’re interested in working with the chakras as part of your yoga and meditation classes, and you live in or near Sydney, you are so welcome to join my weekly classes at South Narrabeen. Click here to find out more.


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