Take Your Yoga Off the Mat: An Introduction to the Itties

During this uncertain time, more than ever, our yoga practice has a LOT to offer us. The challenges we’re facing are various and different people will, of course, be suffering in different ways and to different degrees.

But if you practice yoga, or are interested in it, now is a really good time to find new ways of taking your yoga off the mat and integrating it into your way of life. Really, that’s what yoga is — it’s never just postures on a mat. Sometimes, we need the motivation of new challenges to make us see that.

So here at YFTSR, we’ve been working through the Itties. In the school of yoga my teaching is grounded in, the ities are essentially a set of virtues. We talk about them, meditate with them, and practice them in daily life.

Read on for a brief introduction to these powerful personal concepts, and head to the YFTSR Facebook page if you’d like to learn more about each itty and connect with with our fabulous community.


There are 18 itties

They begin with serenity; the experience of stillness and peace. And then move through a series of other virtues, all of which come together to create a whole person. From respect and integrity, to generosity and adaptability, the itties offer a gentle, non-violent, and progressive way to interact with the world and other beings.

How could the itties support your journey?

As well as shifting the way we perceive and treat others, the itties allow us to look at ourselves in a more loving way.

As you work through them — in meditation, in yoga practice, and in your daily actions and choices — you begin to realise that all of those incredible positive qualities already exist within you. Focusing on them gives you the opportunity to notice that, and to appreciate yourself anew.

They also create a framework for self-care. If you find it difficult to build consistent self-care practices into your life, you can choose certain itties to help you. For example…

  • If you find yourself losing motivation and letting your self-care routine slide, you can focus on the itties ‘tenacity’ and ‘fixity’

  • If you have a tendency to overcomplicate self-care and make it too overwhelming to manage, you could work with the itties ‘simplicity’ and ‘adaptability’

  • If you become easily frustrated with yourself and give up because you feel like you’re not doing things right, you might choose to apply the itty ‘non-irritability’

Self-care is just one part of your journey that these ideas can support. I mention it because, as you know, self-care is VERY important in everything YFTSR does.

But you can use the itties as motivation, inspiration, and a baseline for noticing the way you think and behave in any area of your life; from relationships to work, and from your spiritual journey to your health and fitness.

Nobody’s perfect.

Almost no person on this planet will be actively practicing all of the itties all of the time. But that’s not what they’re for — they’re not ideals to make you feel inadequate, but attitudes to aspire to.


They’re here to help you return to your Self, and reconnect with who you are and how you want to move through life.

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