5 Pillars of Wellness

In today’s world, we’re constantly overstimulated, being bombarded with information and spending far too much time looking at screens. The pandemic dealt another blow to our wellness, leaving many of us feeling isolated, fearful, and maybe even helpless.

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time for yourself? Or maybe you feel disconnected from others in your life. Taking intentional steps to take care of your well-being has never been more important. 

If you’re wondering how to cultivate a healthy, balanced life that has you feeling good physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, then keep reading to learn where to start.

What are the 5 Pillars of Wellness and Why Do They Matter?

When you feel overwhelmed by all your responsibilities or frustrated by the world around you, you may hear messages like ‘relax’ or ‘take some YOU time.’ Taking time for yourself sounds great-but what does that mean, exactly?

Having had complete burnout, I experienced first-hand the damage that stress and anxiety have on wellness. I eventually healed and rediscover balance in my life, and an important part of that process was working with a mentor and following Ayurvedic principles (I’ll admit I’m far from perfect as I do love my chocolate, it’s something I constantly work at).

When it comes to wellness, you need to take a holistic approach that factors in all the things that contribute to your health and happiness. Each pillar of wellness represents an essential component that contributes to you achieving true balance in your life.

These five essential pillars of wellness are mind, rest, diet, movement, and community. Let’s take a look at each of the pillars in detail and see how you can implement each one into your daily life so that you can live a calm, purposeful and content life.


With the constant connection to our screens and the tendency to fill the day with multi-tasking, it’s important to give your brain a chance to rest, be calm. Have you ever felt irritable or anxious, but are not sure what to do about it?

chetana meehan health and wellness coach

As a Mental Fitness and Wellness Coach I know how incredibly important our state of mental health is as it can make or break your behaviours in other areas of your life. When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, you’re more likely to reach for unhealthy foods, exercise less, and have poor sleep.  Yes, I’ve been there!

That’s why building your mental muscle, along with mindfulness and meditation are indispensable tools for wellness. By intentionally taking the time to unplug (both literally and figuratively!) from everything else going on in your day, you can bring peace and calm to your mind, so that you can gain some clarity and reduce your stress level.

Give The Following A Go:

  • Next time you wash your hands be really curious about the sensations of the water on your skin, the smell of soap, the texture of your skin. An easy way to integrate being mindful and focusing your busy mind into your day.

  • Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and just focus on your breath. “breathing in…. breathing out”.

You’ll be amazed at how refreshed you may feel after even a few minutes of taking this timeout for your mind to become focused and calm the constant chatter of the mind. AND it starts to create neural-fibres where you’re positive emotions reside of the brain. 


When was the last time you woke up not feeling rested, and how did that affect the rest of your day? When it comes to sleep, quality and quantity are equally important. Sleep is crucial for biological processes that keep you healthy, as well as for your mental health and cognitive function.

It is actually the foundation to good health!

bali yoga and meditation retreat yoga nidra

When you are chronically sleep-deprived, your metabolism, immunity, and mood may all be affected. If you’re having trouble sleeping due to a busy mind causing you anxiety or stress, there are some things you can do to help yourself. 

  • Try to go to bed at a consistent time every night, set a cutoff time for screen time and choose something less stimulating, such as reading a book or writing in a gratitude journal instead.

  • You may also want to avoid caffeine and stimulants late in the day, have your last meal three hours before bedtime and make sure your sleeping area is comfortable, not too hot.

And of course, there is the breath! Spend 10 minutes counting the length of breath in, the length of breath out!


You may have heard the phrase ‘you are what you eat’. Indeed, the food we choose to put into our bodies has a tremendous impact on our wellness.

It’s important to eat wholesome seasonal foods that nourish the body. When your body is receiving all the nutrients it requires to not only survive, but thrive, you will feel the difference in your mental clarity, energy, and even mood! 

For centuries, the Ayurvedic approach to diet and nutrition has emphasized the key role food plays in our gut health, and by extension, our wellness.

Both the quality and quantity of the food you consume matter, and each person’s unique constitution and digestive power determine their ideal diet.  In general, it is a good idea to eat fresh, seasonal, and home-cooked foods. 

Several studies have established that a healthy diet can enhance the immune system. By consuming nourishing foods, you keep the good bacteria in your gut happy and prevent harmful pathogens from growing.

You don’t need to sacrifice taste- a healthy; healing diet can be both nutritious and delicious! Try to choose fresh, local foods rather than highly processed or oily foods. Some of my best meals have been the simple plant-based Ayurvedic diet I’ve enjoyed during retreats.


yoga for the soul meditation retreat in nepal

Do you often feel lethargic or achy from sitting at a desk all day? Moving your body is the key to getting your blood flowing and lowering your stress levels. The benefits of exercise on not only physical health but on mental and emotional wellbeing are well documented.

The best way to ensure that you regularly move your body is to find an activity that you genuinely enjoy! Don’t try to drag yourself to the gym to get on a treadmill if what you really love is a brisk walk in nature, a swim, or a session on your yoga mat. 

Yoga is a powerful physical practice that is accessible to anyone no matter what your level of physical fitness. Yoga not only helps increase your balance, strength, and flexibility but also helps to focus your mind, balance your emotions which leaves you feeling relaxed and content.


Last but not least, another pillar of wellness is community. As humans, we are social creatures, and we need interaction with other people and a connection to a collective purpose in order to live a happy and purposeful life.

Research has shown that people with more social connections have better physical, mental, and emotional health. Having better connectedness may even increase your lifespan!

byron bay hinterland yoga and meditation retreat

The pandemic disrupted our regular social lives and rituals, with very real consequences on mental health. Luckily, restrictions have lifted so we can see our loved ones once again and attend community events. Speaking of events, here’s one you shouldn’t miss…

A Unique Opportunity to Nurture Your Wellness

Now you know all about the five pillars of wellness and how you can incorporate each one into your daily life. If you think you’d benefit from some support in getting started on your journey to holistic wellness, join us on my upcoming retreat 3 Day Kenthurst Retreat, 1hr from Sydney or in the tropical isle of Bali.

Getting away from it all to focus completely on every aspect of your wellbeing in a conducive environment is a very powerful way to bring balance and focus to your life.

I used to go to an Ayurvedic retreat in South India every year, where I would spend a month eating a simple diet and enjoying daily hands-on treatments (more on this another time!).

These retreats gave me the time and space to truly rest, nourish my mind, body, and my soul. I cherished the time I got to spend my time meditating, chanting, and journaling. And being in silence, ok I did speak to Krishna and Om my Ayurvedic doctors during their daily visits. ☺

I’m not saying you must go to these extremes to restore balance and wellness to your life but scheduling time to put yourself first goes a long way. And that’s what you can do by joining me for the High Time For Your Time retreat at Kenthurst NSW 26 - 29 November.  Or next year in the Relax, Rejuvenate, Rejoice! Bali retreat on 11 May - 17 May, where we will incorporate all five pillars of wellness. 

No matter how you decide to start, remember to be patient and loving with yourself as you build these new habits into your daily routine. Take comfort in knowing that intentionally including practices from each of these five pillars will bring calm, peace, and happiness.

Let me know how you go.  And if you’d like some personal one on one support reach out here.

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