Starting Your Year Right

As one year ends and a new begins, you may have mixed feelings – I know I do! On the one hand, it’s a time to celebrate with loved ones and welcome a symbolic fresh start. On the other hand, with the new year comes the quickly approaching end of the holiday season and diving back into your usual busy routine.

The good news is that no matter what your 2022 was like, you have a chance to start 2023 in a meaningful way to set the course for a calmer, happier, and healthier year ahead. 

The new year doesn’t have to be approached with stress, anxiety, or overwhelm. Here are four incredible tips for taking the time to intentionally start your 2023 off with a calm, peaceful headspace and one transformational way in which you can get a head start in achieving these benefits.

4 Ways to Start the Year With a Calm and Clear Headspace

  • Gain Clarity for the Year Ahead Using the SWAN Meditation Technique

    Do you ever feel frustrated by being so busy with your day-to-day routine and responsibilities that you barely have time to think about tomorrow, let alone further into the future? Slowing down to examine what’s important to you, your needs, your values and what’s no longer serving you in your life can give you clarity on the steps you need to take to live the life you truly want. 

    A powerful way to gain clarity and direction for the year ahead is by using the SWAN technique. SWAN is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Ambition, and Needs, which are the elements of the self you examine in this process during the self~paced New Year Reset Course.

    It’s a way to assess whether the way you’re currently living is aligned with your core values and if they support your intention or goal for the year ahead. 

  • Say Goodbye to the Overwhelm and Stress of Resolutions Through Mindful Planning

writing intentions for new year

As a busy person who always prioritises the needs of your family, friends or work ahead of your own, you may feel overwhelmed without knowing exactly why.

By taking the time to step back and reflect on the source of the overwhelm, you can gain powerful insight into what you need to do to eliminate sources of stress and prevent this from continuing into the new year. 

Rather than starting the year with a long list of resolutions (including several that may be carried over from previous years), try to avoid over-committing yourself and hone in on a few small, (even one) realistic changes you can make so that your life is more aligned with your values. 

In other words, be mindful to ensure your goals for 2023 are rooted in your specific needs. Ask yourself WHY do I need this?  Your WHY will be your motivator. 

Then break your specific goal or intention down into small, achievable steps. Every win will motivate you to take the next step aligning you with your bigger picture.

  • Feel More Confident and in Control of Your Life With Positive Affirmations

    Instead of stumbling into 2023 on autopilot and continuing with the same patterns that you’ve been living year after year, wouldn’t it feel amazing to feel confident in the choices that you make? Part of starting your year with a calm and clear headspace means using techniques like SWAN to identify limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding you back. 

    Once you’ve gained clarity on what your goals are for the year, Sankalpa (personal resolution) is a powerful tool for harnessing the mind to keep you on track for achieving those. The resolution is a short statement that you repeat mentally when your subconscious mind is in its most receptive state, often used in Yoga Nidra. 

    However, can be used at other key times of the day such as just as you are waking up and drifting off to sleep. When you cement your intentions at the unconscious level of the brain, it makes it more likely that your inner compass will pull and guide you towards achieving your goals and intentions. Rather than pushing yourself to get there.

  • Take Care of Your Mind, Body, and Soul With Yoga and Breathing Exercises

daily meditation

If you’re like me, you need to recalibrate from time to time as you go through big life changes.

As you age, your needs and interests are going to change, and that’s completely normal. It’s common to feel lost and unsure of what’s next when you are disconnected from your inner compass.

One way to ground and nurture yourself regardless of what’s happening in your life (including the onset of a new year) is through revitalizing yoga postures that gently stretch your body and restorative breathing practices that help you calm your mind and be present in the moment.

Taking the time to begin 2023 with a calm, clear mind can help you identify what is important to you and what you’d like to dedicate more time to in the year to come. Maybe it’s rediscovering an old love that you neglected, or perhaps it’s stepping outside your comfort zone to visit somewhere new. 

Maybe it is to feel more connected in who you are and what makes life meaningful and purposeful to you.

Are you wishing there were a way you could learn more about Sankalpa, SWAN, and strategic yoga and breathing practices that can help centre you for a successful 2023?


Start 2023 Off With a Powerful Combination of Physical, Mental, and Emotional Practices

Sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly where to start to feel calmer, more peaceful, and more content. Having an experienced person to guide you gently but steadily through the process can be a powerful way to ensure you start your year off with a clear sense of purpose.

My transformational New Year’s Yoga and Meditation Reset course does just that. Over the course of this 7-day self-paced online immersion, you’ll learn and apply techniques that will help you clarify what is most meaningful for you in 2023 so that you can create a more joyful life that is in alignment with your inner desires.

The convenient self-paced online course format means that you can fit this into any schedule, plus you’ll enjoy lifetime access to the materials so that you can come back to them anytime you need to switch off and reconnect with your inner self. This course includes:

  • Revitalising yoga postures that will help you cement your intentions for 2023

  • Restorative breathing practices to nurture a sense of calm and clarity

  • Guided meditation of self-enquiry using the SWAN technique, to help you examine your strengths, weaknesses, ambitions, and needs in relation to your intention | goal for the year

  • Personal support through our private membership site

  • And a whole lot more…

Whether your intention or goal for 2023 is to change a habit, finally do something you’ve been putting off for too long, or dedicate more time to yourself, this course can help you. 

Even if you don’t have any goals for 2023, this course can help you figure out what you want out of the coming year to have a more meaningful and fulfilling life. I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

Find out more about the New Year Reset Course, which you can join anytime in January. Click here.

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