Live Your Life With Purpose

Live Your Life With Purpose

What are you living for? This may sound like a bit of a strange question, but when did you last think about what matters most to you? Keep reading to find out why this can be a powerful exercise to help you live a happier, healthier life.

What Does It Mean to Live A Life with Purpose?

Sometimes life gets so busy that it feels like you’re just going through the motions. Running here and there to accomplish tasks on your to-do list, you may lose touch with the reason behind all you’re doing.

Have you ever found yourself so stressed about work as your perfectionist streak keeps you pushing through, putting in extra hours to ‘get more done’, even though you’re exhausted? Or maybe it’s the constant worry about your grown children, and the extra care you find you’re needing to give to your elderly parents – your not alone!

5 Pillars of Wellness

5 Pillars of Wellness

In today’s world, we’re constantly overstimulated, being bombarded with information and spending far too much time looking at screens. The pandemic dealt another blow to our wellness, leaving many of us feeling isolated, fearful, and maybe even helpless.

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time for yourself? Or maybe you feel disconnected from others in your life. Taking intentional steps to take care of your well-being has never been more important.

If you’re wondering how to cultivate a healthy, balanced life that has you feeling good physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, then keep reading to learn where to start.

How to Tame Your Monkey Mind

How to Tame Your Monkey Mind

Have you ever felt like you have so many thoughts racing through your head that you have trouble falling asleep? Or perhaps you have difficulty focusing on certain tasks because of your busy mind.

Having a mind that is constantly busy can have harmful effects on both your physical and mental health. Keep reading to find out why, and to learn three simple yet powerful ways to take back control of your thoughts. For more help with doing this, register for my FREE 3-part video training on 24 – 26 October.

How to Nurture Self-Compassion

How to Nurture Self-Compassion

Have you ever noticed that you treat other people with a lot more compassion than you do yourself? When someone we care about is suffering, our instinct is to comfort them. However in contrast, many of us are unnecessarily hard on ourselves instead of showing ourselves that same kindness.

Women, in particular, may be less likely to show self-compassion. Read on to find out why, and how you can develop a habit of being more self-compassionate and how you’ll benefit.

“I felt so connected to the world” - Pip Mecallef’s Experience on Retreat in Nepal

“I felt so connected to the world” - Pip Mecallef’s Experience on Retreat in Nepal

“I felt so connected to the world” - Pip’s Experience on Retreat in Nepal

About this time last year, I saw a promo for Yoga for the Soul Retreats’ Nepal retreat. I had been attending yoga classes for my mental health whist in a challenging time of my life. I had brought up a beautiful family but had lost myself on the way; and was suffering from anxiety caused by burnout from work and family life. And BING! — the pamphlet for the Nepal and Bali retreat landed on the yoga class table.

Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara — the crown chakra. It’s known as the seventh chakra, but it’s not really a chakra at all. It is the culmination of the six chakras together:


• Mooladhara

• Swadhisthana

• Manipura

• Anahata

• Vishuddhi

• Ajna

Sahasrara connects us with divine, infinite intelligence.